3 Stunden


    Tourtreffpunkt: vor der Wiener Sezession

    Tourende: Schloss Belvedere


    zu Fuss, evt. Taxi


    Schloss Belvedere


    280 EUR


    38-40 EURO:
    Ticket Belvedere 17
    Ticket Sezession 10
    Strassenbahn 3 EUR
    Kaffee 8 EUR

Feedback internationaler Gäste

Noch immer zehren wir von dem tollen Wochenende in Wien! Susanne trug maßgeblich dazu bei, dass unsere Zeit in Wien zu einer unvergesslichen Vater-Tochter-Reise wurde. Susanne zeigte uns die bekannten Sehenswürdigkeiten und Highlights der (Alt-)Stadt sowie viele Geheimtipps bei einem tollen Spaziergang durch die historischen Straßen und Gassen von Wien. Wir waren begeistert, was wir in dieser kurzen Zeit alles sehen und erfahren durften. Durch ihre Wiener-Wurzeln hatte sie auf jede Frage eine Antwort und passte sich unserem Tempo, Erwartungen und Vorlieben an. Neben der Sightseeing-Tour durch die Altstadt, zeigte uns Susanne bei einer weiteren Tour was Wien noch alles außerhalb der Innenstadt zu bieten hat. Durch die kleinen Weindörfer, entlang der Weinberge, hinauf auf den Kahlenberg, von dem wir eine tolle Aussicht auf die Stadt hatten, bis hin zum „Sissi“-Schloss Schönbrunnen. Es war eine tolle Fahrt bei der wir Wien nochmal von einer ganz anderen Seite kennenlernen durften. Es hat uns rundum gefallen und wir würden Susanne  immer wieder buchen bzw. weiterempfehlen! Viele Adventsgrüße nach Wien aus Deutschland!

Die Stadtführung mit Susanne als Führerin war ein voller Erfolg und ein Highlight unseres Aufenthaltes. Susanne hat uns püntklich im Hotel in Empfang genommen. Mit viel Humor hat sie uns die Stadt und ihre Einwohner näher gebracht. Es gab keinen steifen Ablauf, unsere Fragen und Interessen waren ausschlaggebend für die Route und die Zeiten. Susannes Wissen ist eindrücklich, Namen, Daten, Geschichte, etc., keine Frage blieb unbeantwortet. Susannes Touren können wir jedem absolut empfehlen.

Our tour was absolutely excellent, full of varied and interesting information that was carefully selected and prepared. The four hour tour remained stimulating and interesting and was a real highlight of our stay in Vienna. I was taking the tour with my 82 year old mother and Suzanne was thoughtful and considerate making everything as easy for her as possible. I would have no hesitation in recommending Suzanne to anyone wishing to learn about history and art in Vienna.

Not only was the tour wonderful it was especially helpful to have Susanne as a private guide in the museum. She gave us much more understanding of the art, the period and the connections between periods. Susanne was delightful and even gave us some help with a medical problem one of us had. Highest recommendation

Susanne was a wonderful guide to Vienna. She was extremely knowledgeable about art and history (our particular interests), energetic, attentive, helpful and warm. We are very happy she was our guide to this beautiful city!

Jewish history of Vienna is a very delicate topic that many tour guides try to avoid. Susanne does a wonderful job in highlighting this important part of Vienna’s past! She was very knowledgeable and thoughtful. I was visiting Vienna with my young daughter and my goal was to share the history of the city with her while highlighting the impact the Jewish community has made on it over many centuries. Susanne was able to accomplish this goal with excellence. We are very grateful for such wonderful experience

Susan is very positive and has good understanding to The need and interest I have on my visit to Vienna . She is one of the best I can recommend to my friends who Will visit Vienna .

Susanne, our tour guide around Vienna was superb. She was very well informed and delivered an insight in to the history; culture and fascinating sights in a truly professional manner. She was very personable and a delight to be with. We would highly recommend her as your tour guide.

Susanne’s knowledge of the subject matters was excellent and the diversity of the tour (museum, market, highlights along the way) was appreciated. She provided us with follow up material to read or watch on the subject matters we were interested in and we really appreciate her attention to details and our wishes. Of yes, she is very personable and considerate as we ranged in ages from 58 to 80. Highly recommend her!!

Our tours were outstanding with Susanne. She is knowledgeable about history, art, Jewish Heritage etc. It was a real learning experience and Susanne was delightful to be with. We are so pleased and will recommend Toursbylocals and Susanne to friends.

If there would have been a six star rating, Susanne would have deserved it all the way ! She is this very special guide who walks the extra mile with pleasure, like: sending beforehand a whole list of links and ideas (movies, music, Youtube interviews, books, …) so one can prepare for the tour properly/extensively; adding extra hidden gem ideas to improve even thisbr brave tour; informing if her guests returned safely home… She actively involved the youngsters in the tour. She is most recommendable !

BEST DAY of our trip! It started with a scenic drive outside of the city on our way to the picturesque Wachau Valley. After an apricot danish in the town of Krems we saw several other quaint towns, and miles of miles of vineyards on our way to our lunchtime cruise down the Danube River and then ended up in the town of Melk and a tour of the Melk Abbey. Susanne planned a simply perfect day – one we won’t forget for quite some time! This was a 10 star tour!